Research Hub > Incident Response Technology Planning
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Incident Response Technology Planning

The process of improving security.

CDW Expert CDW Expert

Ensuring a comprehensive incident response plan is key to successful security. But it requires a thoughtful approach and point-by-point plan.

Working with CDW on Improved Incident Response



Prepare for the inevitable by developing a plan to respond to an incident more effectively.

  • Secure executive sponsorship
  • Identify your organization’s cyber insurance requirements related to incident response
  • Identify your organization’s most valuable assets
  • Establish a cybersecurity framework baseline
  • Perform a maturity assessment, gap analysis and a penetration test to identify gaps
  • Prioritize and address identified gaps
  • Create a threat model to understand the types of incidents your organization is most vulnerable to and their potential impact
  • Identify compliance and reporting requirements
  • Properly define roles and responsibilities and establish a communication plan to be used during an incident
  • Develop an incident response plan, including processes and procedures
  • Develop a playbook and conduct tabletop exercises
Close up image of a man looking at computer screen.
Close up image of a person typing on laptop keyboard.


Security teams need the right instrumentation to detect, contain and eradicate threats.

  • Consult an expert to identify gaps that exist within your existing security instrumentation
  • Ensure proper segmentation and isolation of business units based on user roles and devices present on the network, to isolate incident impact and prevent lateral movement
  • Invest in Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) and Next-Generation Anti-Virus (NGAV) solutions to provide comprehensive visibility into endpoint activity critical to detecting, investigating and mitigating advanced cyberthreats
  • Centralize logs and leverage an event log management solution to detect and investigate unusual or suspicious activity across the enterprise environment
  • Collect network telemetry to identify and track atypical network traffic and baseline deviations
  • Minimize the attack surface of your environment through comprehensive vulnerability management solutions



Organizations and threats constantly evolve. Conduct regular reviews of your incident response program.

  • Implement continuous monitoring through a managed detection provider
  • Perform regular tabletop exercises to validate the efficacy of your incident response program
  • Perform regular patch maintenance on your servers
  • Conduct regular reviews and testing of your incident response plan and update it as necessary
  • Leverage purple team exercises to evaluate the efficacy of your incident response team
  • Learn from security incidents within and outside of your organization
  • Stay abreast of the latest trends and attacker techniques and adapt your incident response program as necessary
Image of woman using laptop in server room.

CDW Services to Support Your Incident Response Journey

CDW Advisory Services

Assess your cybersecurity environment.

CDW Security Maturity Assessment

Establish a cybersecurity strategy based on industry-standard frameworks.

CDW AmplifiedTM Detect and Respond

Proactive help identifying and responding to an array of breach types.

Discover how CDW can help improve your incident response plan.

Contact your account team, or give us a call.


Discover how CDW can help improve your incident response plan.

Contact your account team, or give us a call.
